Restoring a classic car can be a scary topic for some people. There are many different types of work that goes into restoring old cars and most people are not proficient in all of them. If you break the process into the types of repairs that go into your antique car restoration, it is easier to get what you really can or can not do. Grip
An accounting skills, you can decide how much work you can do yourself and how much you need to restore be performed by a professional.
Their restoration of a classic car can be divided into a number of categories of repair.
* Know your car
* Mechanical Repairs
* Electrical Repairs
* Interior and upholstery work
* Leaf rust repair or
* Surface preparation and finishing
* Body and paint
* Trim or repair molds and finishing
Some of these categories are self-explanatory. Let me clarify it. Obviously
You know your car
Cars have always been available with options such as sports games decoration, air conditioning, V8, 6 cylinder and 4-cylinder engines, and the list goes on. If the car is in the course of years from the vehicle, some of these options by little less or not replaced override removed. Option codes and repair instructions for most Americans that this information is detailed classic cars available.
Mechanical repairs
It covers a large part of what makes a car and would most moving parts. Here, you will need the engine and transmission to rebuild, and all routine maintenance such as brakes and suspension, and the reconstruction of parts or components such as starters, water pumps and generators. Other elements that are hardly considered as components of the dashboard, such as heating and ventilation components of windows in the doors, hinges and locks. I'm just touching on this subject, but you get the idea.
Electrical repairs
Electric, the scariest of all. To dry on an old car on the coating rotted and cracked wiring and possibly the risk of an electrical short circuit. Switches carrying fragile and even collapse. On some cars, where these parts can not be found, you need to be creative and improvise. Components of another vehicle with
Interior and upholstery work
Fabric, vinyl, leather, thread, stuffing and all the dry rot over time and must be replaced. Colors also fade really bad.
Metal or rust repair
Each metal, iron rusts, the alumina and even disintegrate under the right circumstances. The body panel must be replaced or repaired. This means knowing how to work with sheet metal, such as soldering and display. Also form such as metals
Surface treatment
In contrast to the outside of the body, there are many sheet metal, the surface of the old paint and surface rust needs to be cleaned and prepared, so it does not rust, even when painted. This also applies to the car frame, suspension parts, differential, ties and more.
Body and paint
One side of the plate to be polished and colored, the outer surface of the body. There is a huge amount of work, which is why it can be so expensive.
Repair and restoration of trim or molding
Classic car trim and molding is usually made of metal. There are parts in stainless steel, chrome pot metal, aluminum, stainless steel and even brass or copper. Until recently, some parts can not be established and new gold-plated pot metal is one of them. In extreme cases, you have to weld new metal in your plate or forms, gravel and sand down, polishing and preparing for re-coating.
That's a lot to find out how.
Fortunately, there are very good tutorials available DVDs that are on all these issues. Even if you specialize in just 2 or 3 of these skills, and get a professional to do the others want.
Learn to do such a thing can be fun. Even if you do not plan to be a part of this work yourself, you know how the work is done, you want so that you can recognize. A job well done .
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